oracle 数据的导入导出

oracle 导入导出

–从测试环境备份数据命令 expdp DH_PRODUCT/dh@orcl schemas=DFYH_DMS dumpfile =DH_PRODUCT1224.dmp logfile=DH_PRODUCT1224.log job_name=DH_PRODUCT1

sqlplus/nolog –创建表空间 create tablespace DFYH_DMS logging datafile ‘D:\app\Administrator\oradata\orcl\DFYH_DMS.dbf’ size 2000M autoextend on next 1000M maxsize unlimited extent management local segment space management auto;


create tablespace PRODUCT65 logging datafile ‘c:\app\heshuhua\oradata\orcl\PRODUCT.dbf’ size 2000M autoextend on next 1000M maxsize unlimited extent management local segment space management auto; –创建临时表空间 create temporary tablespace DFYH_DMS_TEMP tempfile ‘D:\app\Administrator\oradata\orcl\DFYH_DMS_TEMP.dbf’ size 50m autoextend on next 50m maxsize 20480m extent management local;

create temporary tablespace PRODUCT_TEMP tempfile ‘c:\app\heshuhua\oradata\orcl\PRODUCT_TEMP.dbf’ size 50m autoextend on next 50m maxsize 20480m extent management local;

– 创建用户 create user dfyh_dms identified by dh default tablespace DFYH_DMS temporary tablespace DFYH_DMS_TEMP;

create user product65 identified by dh default tablespace PRODUCT65 temporary tablespace PRODUCT_TEMP;

– 创建用户的文件路径,可不要 grant execute, read, write on directory SYS.DIR_DP to dfyh_dms with grant option;

grant execute, read, write on directory SYS.DIR_DP to product65 with grant option;

– Grant/Revoke role privileges grant connect to dfyh_dms;

grant connect to product65;

grant dba to dfyh_dms;

grant dba to product65;

grant resource to dfyh_dms;

grant resource to product65;

– Grant/Revoke system privileges grant unlimited tablespace to dfyh_dms;

grant unlimited tablespace to product65;

–修改用户密码 alter user dfyh_dms identified by dfyhdms2016pwd;

alter user product65 identified by dh;

–登录 sqlplus / as sysdba sqlplus /nolog connect dfyh_dms/dfyhdms2016pwd@orcl

connect product65/dh@orcl

–删除用户,创建错误时使用 drop user dfyh_dms cascade;

drop user product65 cascade;

–删除表空间,创建错误时使用 drop tablespace DFYH_DMS including contents and datafiles;


impdp product65/dh DUMPFILE=PRODUCT1220.DMP REMAP_SCHEMA=PRODUCT65:product65 remap_tablespace=(product65:product65)